The Deben Probus Club

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Data Privacy Notice

In common with other Clubs and Organisations that collect and hold personal data, the Deben Probus Club is subject to the provisions of Data Protection legislation and from the 25 May 2018 this requires compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).  

In applying for membership to the Deben Probus Club all applicants are requested to provide some personal information about themselves.  This currently includes contact details: Name, address, telephone number, email address, their profession/business, interests and hobbies and their wife/partner’s name. This data is retained and used by the Club solely for administering the Club’s affairs and is not passed on to any third party or other organisation.

To enable the efficient administration of the Club affairs, members’ details are held on the Club Secretary’s/Membership Secretary’s secure password protected computers.  This information is shared with all members of the Club but in paper copy only, in the form of the ‘Membership Booklet’.  All data held relating to ex-members is removed/ destroyed just as soon as membership ceases. However paper copy in the form of Membership Booklets will not be recalled and consequently personal information will appear until the production of the next year’s booklet.

Individual members who do not want some or all of their personal details included in such lists can opt for this to be excluded on application to the Club Secretary.

Additionally members’ data (usually committee members only) may also be uploaded to the “Committee” area within the Club’s website (

As required by the GDPR, members and if appropriate their Wife/Partner, are required to give their written consent to the use of their personal data in accordance with the above policy and procedures.
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